ICASC Charter
ICASC Charter History
International Committee for Airspace Standards and Calibration
The International Committee for Airspace Standards and Calibration (ICASC) was officially established at the Brussels meeting. The ICASC is an extension of the International Flight Inspection Symposiums (IFIS) and supplements the biennial formal International Flight Inspection Symposiums by promoting continuity in the exchange of regulatory, technical, and commercial information in flight inspection and flight validation. The ICASC also functions as an advisory group that researches topics of interest to the flight inspection and aviation community and provides technical input to ICAO.
Membership of the committee is intended to represent the worldwide flight inspection community, and is a reflection of industry, academia, and government interests.
The purpose and objectives of this committee are:
- To promote the interests of the global flight inspection community by:
- Aiming for a universal approach to safety and standards.
- Sharing technical information.
- Enhancing collaboration.
Serving as a forum. - Acting as a clearing house.
- Promoting the interaction of academia, industry, and government.
- Identifying and promoting cost effective solutions.
- To promote optimization of professional standards and value to the customer by:
- Improving safety standards and promoting the best safety and business practices.
- Providing input to the ICAO technical working groups.
- Encouraging and communicating technical research and operational experiences.
- To serve as a bridge between symposia by:
Maintaining a forum.- Assisting in the selection of a symposium location.
Assisting in planning, organizing and conducting IFIS. - Sharing experiences in symposium management.
- Assisting in the selection of a symposium location.
The structure of the ICASC:
- The ICASC normally consists of 20 members representing the flight inspection community. This number includes the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and does not include the Executive Secretariat, or honorary members.
- This provision will be applied in accordance with membership bylaws.
- The upcoming International Flight Inspection Symposium chairperson will be a member of committee for the two years prior to symposium. The previous symposium chairperson will be a member of the committee for two years following the Symposium. Neither member will count towards the permanent membership total.
- The Executive Secretariat is a non-acting ex-officio member appointed by the Chairperson.
- Honorary Members may be designated as appropriate.
The Chairperson of the ICASC is elected by the membership for a term of 4 years, may be re-elected, and is responsible for:
- Officiating at the official meetings.
- Establishing a date and place for the official meetings.
- Informing ICASC members of committees’ progress.
- Providing a point-of-contact for the ICASC.
The Vice-Chairperson is elected by the membership for a term of 4 years, may be re-elected, and is responsible for:
- Acting as Chairperson when the Chairperson is not available.
- Representing the ICASC at selected seminars, conferences, etc.
- Serving on the Steering Committee.
Working Groups and Members:
The Steering Committee consists of the following members:
- Chairperson
- Vice Chairperson
- Workgroup Chairpersons
ICASC workgroups are formed and dissolved as needed. Committee meetings will be conducted by the Chairperson according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Members of the International Committee are responsible for:
- Actively participating on Committees.
- Providing input relating to purpose and objectives of committee.
- Participating and representing the International Committee at selected seminars, conferences, etc.
- Serving as panel members in their areas of expertise.
- Attending International Committee meetings. May send an alternate with the approval and consent of the Chairperson.
- Ensuring that flight inspection database is established and maintained.
- Assisting with symposium planning, if requested.