Sigurd A. Bjelkaroey

Sigurd A. Bjelkaroey
Director Flight Inspection Systems
Norwegian Special Mission AS
Graduated from University of Stavanger (HiS), Norway in 1997 with degree in Avionics and have worked with Flight Inspection since.
Started working as Flight Inspection Systems Engineer in Navia Aviation from 1998 until the flight inspection department was separated into its own company – Normarc Flight Inspection Systems in 1999.
Worked in Normarc Flight Inspection Systems as a Senior Systems Engineer responsible for Customer Support and Systems with additional project manager roles for flight inspection systems deliveries until 2003.
Joined as a co-founder of Norwegian Special Mission AS (NSM) in 2003 and has since been responsible for the Flight Inspection products of NSM including specification, development, aircraft integration and project management of flight inspection systems deliveries worldwide.
Contact Information
Address: Norwegian Special Mission
Sundt Air Hangar
2060 Gardermoen
Phone: +47 913 96 152
Fax: +47 64 81 93 20